Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Single and rocking it

10 reason why being single is awesome

10. You can dress however you want, anytime you want

Sweatpants, dirty t-shirt, old underwear... who cares?

9. Yes I am having a bad hair day, so what?

Just rock that hair!

8. Freedom!

Do whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. Except if mom says no....

7. Silence!

No one is talking on and on and on about how the boss was such a jerk and Rob only made it worst and blah blah blah.

6. No shaving

5. Your wallet is full... sorta

Use that money on you, I'm sure you need a new pair of shoes. Or a haircut... yeah definitely a haircut.

4. No need to clean up your room, or your house.

No need to clean anything!! Just leave those dirty underwear laying around, no one cares.

3. No more sheet tug of war!

The whole bed is for you and only you, and so is the sheet.

2. Eat, eat and eat!

You can double-size things, eat as much as you want and as disgustingly as you want (mostly hamburgers and salads)

1. You actually have a reason for why  you're not having sex

But sometimes, it's worth being in a relationship:

10. The sex, obviously. Regular sex.

9. Inside jokes

8. Laughing together at people, discreetly

7. Getting your hair, make up and nails done for someone.

6. Having your bras and panties match and knowing someone will see it

5. Cliché... but cuddling

4. You can finally join in your friend's conversations about relationships...

... and sex

3. You can change your status to "In a Relationship" on Facebook.

2. Having someone to text with for hours...

and actually have someone to text

1. You're happy

and you're sharing that happiness with someone else